Pros Advice

Are you green or red?

Nic Cains

22 April 2024

We always love the start of April as it finally means we get to see some Masters action at Augusta National.

The Masters always seems to signify to us the real start of the golfing season, where we’re destined for days of warm sunny summer fun on the golf course. Feeling comfortable playing in short sleeves when the flowers are all out and the course is in stellar condition. What could be better?

It would be unfortunate to get to the peak of the golfing season and be struggling with your game. As we all know, the game of golf is hard and demands a lot of time and practice to get better at. But the more practice and work we put in, the better we’ll be, and ultimately the more fun we’ll be having out on the course.

It may feel daunting setting yourself targets and finding the time to commit to bettering your game, but we want to be right there by your side to cheer you on and offer you our expert guidance and advice. Here’s how we can help…


Golf Lessons


Do you ever watch golf on TV and think wow I’d love to breeze around a golf course like the top players? Well, they didn’t get where they are today without putting in the practice! The great thing about getting golf lessons is the more you do, the more confident you’ll feel, and it’s incredibly reassuring to look back on your progress and see how far you’ve come.

You can book lessons of different lengths with us focusing on any area of your game. From guiding your composure with your woods to helping you develop a magic touch around the greens, we’ll have you feeling on control of your game in no time.


Custom Fitting


In the same way you rifle through clothing racks to find the find the right pieces in your size, so too must you find the right clubs to suit your ability and play style. There’s a lot of variety when it comes to golf clubs so it can all seem a little confusing, but we’re here to make the club fitting crystal clear for you.

We’ll have you in the studio to get a sense of your skill level and how you approach the ball, we’ll then walk you through our expert recommendations of what gear would be best for you. If you want to get better at the game, it’s really important that you’re playing with the appropriate equipment, and we’re here to make getting new clubs as easy as possible for you.




Sometimes you get so use to using the same equipment that you overlook when it’s time to get a new one. This is definitely the case with gloves, but when was the last time you changed the grips on your clubs?

Just like tyre tread, the grooves on a golf club grip can wear and become less effective overtime, making you prone to be more likely for your club to slip in your fingers and you mishit your shot. We can get any of your clubs regripped for you, from your driver right down to your putter. It’s quick, affordable, and will have you feeling like you’re playing with a brand new club.


Our Professional Advice


Simply put, we’ll always be here for you in the pro shop. We love helping the golfing community and it gives us a lot of satisfaction when a player we’ve been giving lessons to goes on to win a competition.

If you need any advice or you’d like to hear about the features of a new product and how it will help your game, we’re more than happy to consult you in the pro shop.

Whether you’re a seasoned golfer or you’ve only had your hands on golf clubs a handful of times, we’re here to guide you into playing better and having more fun. We’re available in the pro shop to answer any of your golfing queries.

Contact us today